Our love for horses and our passion for equestrian sports describe our philosophy in Aubenhausen. Training young horses and introducing them to their potential in dressage, having the horses as partners on our side and making them enjoy their daily work – that is what we want to do in Aubenhausen! Preparing the horses for young dressage horse tests, later presenting them in advanced (S) level and Grand Prix competitions, excites us, even more, when we have trained the dressage horses from a young age and accompany them on their further way. We created a training facility with excellent riding conditions with professional care in a relaxed atmosphere. The well-being of your horses is the greatest desire of our highly experienced Aubenhausen team. We are really looking forward to meeting you! Your hosts, the Werndl family and your Aubenhausen team
Here at Aubenhausen, we offer both top-level training and the selling of dressage horses. The combination of both can be particularly valuable for our customers.
At Aubenhausen, we are dedicated to developing and training dressage horses and their riders. This is a bespoke coaching program based on the individual horse and rider's needs and goes as far as accompanying our clients to tournaments and presenting their horses.
Handling and training horses requires patience, sensitivity, perseverance and respect. We promote positive development in a sustainable way. Working with our own highly experienced team of trainers who can recognise the specific talents and requirements of every horse and tailor their coaching program accordingly. We take into account the horse's age, experience and encourage mental strength, initiative and self-confidence. This is the key to helping every horse reach its full potential.
We offer training at the very highest level, through 'days only' or fully inclusive courses with all-round support. All kinds of training programs are available here at Aubenhausen, if you're interested, please contact us.
In addition, we have a number of promising Dressage Horses for sale at Aubenhausen, for every standard, level and discipline. Buying a horse from us has a number of advantages, not least of which is the fact that we have an intimate knowledge of each and every horse we offer.
Alternatively, we can also offer advanced level training at Aubenhausen. Whether for a few days, several months or a longer term commitment with stabling options. In our experience, training is a crucial factor in successfully helping any horse reach its full potential and really flourish in the sport of dressage. We would be delighted to help you find a new dressage horse, why not visit us for an initial; orientation visit to meet our team and see our world class facilities first hand!
The success of Jessica von Bredow-Werndl and Benjamin Werndl shows that we have chosen the right way with young horses. Most of their horses arrived at the age of three and four years and helped their riders to more than 100 S-wins and 20 medals at German and European Championships of Juniors and Young Riders (2002 – 2005) – an excellent success on the common way of rider and horse.
Learning in a team inspires every rider. We train together with excellent trainers on sensitive and well-trained horses. It`s conducive to our team spirit to participate together at shows. The riders discover their own potential and the one of their horses when they train with the best. Let`s enjoy learning!
Jessica von Bredow-Werndl is a multiple German Champion, European Champion, World Team Champion and Olympic Champion with the German Team and individually in Tokyo 2021. She is considered one of the best dressage riders of her generation. With the support of her family and especially her brother Benjamin, she challenges the status quo and firmly believes in building partnerships with her horses based on mutual trust and love. Only with a contented horse can she encourage and showcase their natural athletic ability and willingness to perform. Jessica always keeps herself and her horses fit because she knows that the horses can only develop their full potential if the rider is also in the best possible physical condition.
Benjamin Werndl is one of the most successful dressage riders in Germany and a member of the German Olympic squad. With his experience and sensitivity, he is able to help bring together and train promising dressage horses with their riders and regularly present successful partnerships in the arena himself. Together with his sister Jessica, he trains horses and people together as partners in Aubenhausen based on Aubenhausen's holistic training approach and philosophy.
Unser einzigartiges 12 Wochen Reiterfitness-Programm kombiniert funktionelles Training, Yoga und Neuro-Athletik, um ganz gezielt den Reitersitz und die Hilfengebung zu verbessern. DressurFit®️ ist zudem komplett auf Englisch verfügbar.
Train with the pros! In our Aubenhausen Academy master classes, Jessica and Benjamin show their daily work with different horses and how to improve dressage movements in a playful way. You will receive exclusive instructional videos with specific solutions for training situations.
Our unique 12-week rider fitness programme combines functional training and neuro-athletics to specifically improve the rider's seat and aids. DressurFit®️ is also fully available in English
Train with the pros! In our Aubenhausen Academy master classes, Jessica and Benjamin show their daily work with different horses and how to improve dressage movements in a playful way. You will receive exclusive instructional videos with specific solutions for training situations.
Aubenhausen riding facility
Fam. Werndl
Aubenhausen 7
83104 Ostermünchen
If you are looking for a unique dressage horse, we will be happy to assist you in word and deed. If you are interested, you will receive all the information you need about the pedigree, training and success level of our dressage horses.
Wir suchen Verstärkung für den Aubenhausen Club! 🌟🐴
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Wenn du Erfahrung in einem dieser Bereiche hast, melde dich bei uns!
Schick deine Unterlagen an volker@aubenhausen-club.de oder ruf bei Fragen unter +49 176 6812 9428 an.
Werde Teil unseres Teams und gestalte die Zukunft im Reitsport mit uns! 🚀 … MehrWeniger
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Ruhiger Oberkörper im Galopp – LIVE Workout 🐎✨
Was macht den Galopp so harmonisch und kraftvoll? Die Biomechanik des Reiters! Besonders die Bewegung von Hüfte und Oberkörper spielt eine entscheidende Rolle.
🎥 In diesem Video wird’s anschaulich:Dank der Arbeitspirouette um die Kamera siehst du die diagonale Bewegung des Beckens perfekt.
Das Geheimnis der richtigen Hüftbewegung im Galopp:Im Gegensatz zum Schritt und Trab ist der Galopp eine asymmetrische Bewegung, bei der die innere Hüfte im Handgalopp vorgeht.
Probier’s aus:🪑 Tipp für zuhause: Stell dir auf einem Stuhl oder Pezziball den Linksgalopp vor:Rechte Hüfte ein bisschen nach hinten schieben, gerade, linke Hüfte leicht nach vorne schieben, gerade, rechte Hüfte wieder leicht nach hinten und so weiter.
Stell dir vor, du sitzt auf dem Ziffernblatt einer Uhr: Du startest mit dem linken Sitzbeinhöcker auf der 9 und dem rechten Sitzbeinhöcker auf der 3. Im Linksgalopp schiebt der rechte Sitzbeinhöcker nach hinten auf die 4. Im nächsten Moment schiebt der linke nach vorne auf die 10 und wieder zurück.🤔
Warum das wichtig ist:
Die Hüfte absorbiert den Schwung, während der Oberkörper ruhig und gerade bleibt.
Du sitzt in Balance, ohne das Pferd auf die Vorhand zu schieben. Jetzt mitmachen und deinen Sitz verbessern!
📅 LIVE Workout:
Dienstag, den 21. Januar um 19 Uhr💪
Kostenlos für Mitglieder – sei dabei und fühl den Unterschied!
Create a quiet upper body in canter – DressurFit®️ LIVE Workout 🐎✨
What makes the canter harmonious and powerful? The rider’s biomechanics! Especially the movement of your hips and upper body plays a crucial role.
🎥 This video makes it clear:
The diagonal motion of the pelvis is perfectly visible thanks to the canter pirouette ridden around the camera.
A correct hip movement is essential in canter:
Unlike walk and trot, the canter is an asymmetrical gait where the inside hip moves forward during the lead canter.
Try it yourself:🪑
You can practice this motion while sitting on a chair or a ball. Imagine a left-lead canter: Push your right hip slightly back, return to neutral, then push your left hip slightly forward, and back to neutral. Repeat this sequence.
To visualize it further, imagine sitting on the face of a clock: Your left seat bone starts at 9, and your right seat bone at 3.In the left-lead canter, the right seat bone moves back to 4, then the left seat bone moves forward to 10, and so on.
🤔 Why is this important?
Your hips absorb the motion while your upper body remains steady and upright.
Your seat remains balanced without pushing your horse onto the forehand.
Join us and improve your seat!
📅 LIVE Workout: Tuesday, January 21st at 06:15 PM
💪 Free for members – don’t miss it and feel the difference! … MehrWeniger
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Der erste Galoppsprung zählt – und wie! 🐎
Ob dein Pferd ins Bergauf anspringt oder auf die Vorhand fällt, hängt maßgeblich von deinem Sitz ab. Ein stabiler Sitz und der richtige Hüftwinkel verhindern, dass dein Pferd nach unten gedrückt wird und sorgen für einen kontrollierten ersten Galoppsprung. 🔑
Aber warum ist deine Hüfte so entscheidend? Und wie kannst du Fehler vermeiden, die dein Pferd aus dem Gleichgewicht bringen? 🤔
👉 In unserem neuesten Blogbeitrag teilt Benjamin wertvolle Tipps für ein harmonisches Angaloppieren mit minimalen Hilfen – und warum das Angaloppieren die perfekte Vorbereitung für fliegende Galoppwechsel ist. 💡
🔗 Folge diesem Link, um zu unserem neuesten Blogbeitrag zu gelangen: www.aubenhausen-club.de/reiten/der-richtige-sitz-beim-angaloppieren/
Sei auch unbedingt bei unserem anstehenden DressurFit® LIVE Workout dabei!
📅 Wann? 21. Januar | 19 Uhr
🎯 Thema? Ruhiger Oberkörper im Galopp
📝 Melde dich vorab als Mitglied in deinem Dashboard an: www.aubenhausen-club.de/mein-konto/
Because the first canter stride counts! 🐎
Whether your horse canters uphill or falls onto the forehand depends on your seat. A stable seat and the correct hip angle prevent your horse from being pushed downward and encourage a forward-upward canter transition. 🔑
But why is the movement of your hips so crucial here? And how can you avoid mistakes that throw your horse off balance?
👉 In our latest blog post, Benjamin shares tips on achieving a harmonious canter transition with minimal aids and explains why the canter transition is the perfect preparation for flying changes.💡
🔗 Follow this link to read the full post: www.aubenhausen-club.de/en/riding-en/the-correct-seat-for-canter-transitions/
And don’t miss our upcoming DressurFit® LIVE workout!
📅 When? January 21st | 6:15 PM
🎯 Topic? Create a quiet upper body in canter
📝 Make sure to sign up in advance as a member via your dashboard: www.aubenhausen-club.de/en/my-account/ … MehrWeniger
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